Are you unhappy with the shape or size of your breasts? If so, you may benefit from a breast augmentation procedure. However, it is important to take the time to learn about this procedure and your implant options prior to your consultation appointment so that you have a clear vision of your aesthetic goals. Breast
Posts By / Dr. Hall
How to Know If You Are a Facelift Candidate
If you’ve been thinking for a while about whether or not you might be a good candidate for a facelift, but aren’t sure, not to worry! In this post, we will review what the procedure is and how it helps. We’ll also take a look at some of the factors that may make someone an
The Best Ways to Fix Breast Asymmetry
Breast asymmetry is normal – in fact, many women have some degree of breast unevenness, but it’s mostly unnoticeable. However, if you have noticeable breast asymmetry, it can cause negative body image and low self-esteem. Many women are able to hide asymmetry by wearing special bras and certain clothes. Some also wear breast prostheses. However,
A Guide to Breast Augmentation Recovery
If you’re considering undergoing breast augmentation to achieve a more full, well-proportioned figure, one of the many worries you may have is that the recovery will be long, painful, or both. Fortunately, this surgery, while necessary to be performed under general anesthesia, does not take much time to recover and can be minimally uncomfortable with
Why the IDEAL Implant is a Great Option
Breast augmentation is an increasing trend among people nationwide, but there are many factors to consider when making this decision. It is a simple way to gain more breast volume or correct the shape of asymmetrical breasts. With all the different types of breast implants available, one that stands out: the IDEAL implant. If you’ve
5 Common Earlobe Repair Questions
Earlobe repair can be a confusing topic. There are so many questions to consider before deciding on the best solution for your unique situation. Here are five of the most common questions people ask when considering earlobe repair and answered them below in detail. If you’re not sure if earlobe surgery is right for you,
Split Earlobe? What You Need to Know
Gauged and pierced ears are a popular style choice. However, when not managed correctly, they may end up tearing the wearer’s earlobes due to sagging, rushed or excess stretching, or other accidental injuries along the way. If one or both earlobes rip, there is a likelihood of infection or dangerous complications. Earlobe repair can help
10 Tips for Liposuction Recovery
Are you looking forward to your desired body shape? After liposuction surgery, the recovery process is critical to get there. Excessive weight gain can make you feel uncomfortable and lower your self-esteem. Getting liposuction surgery with Dr. Jonathan Hall can help get your confidence back. Here are ten tips for liposuction recovery. 1. Stay Hydrated
Patient Case Study: Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation
A case study of a woman of color in her early 70’s who was interested in non-surgical facial rejuvenation. As do all of my patients, she wanted an improvement that was natural in appearance. She did not want to look “injected” As we analyze her face in figure 1 we see that the eyebrow are
7 Summer Skincare Tips
When summer comes, your skin notices. With more activities outdoors and being more exposed to environmental pollutants, your skincare routine should change to fit the season. Investing in skincare products is worth it. These 10 tips can help you to revive and rejuvenate your skin throughout the hot, sticky, and sunlit summer. 1. Change Moisturizer
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialist
"I treat my patients like I would treat
- Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACSmembers of my own family."
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