A 7-year follow-up on a patient with an extremely severe nasal obstruction with total blockage of the right nose and near total blockage of the left nose, with a right angle bend of his septum.
An extracorporeal septoplasty was performed at the age of 17. In this case, the septum is completely removed/ reshaped on the back operating table, stabilized with a resorbing plate, and placed back into position, stabilizing with sutures and drilling holes through the nasal bones. The nasal dorsum tends to “settle” a few millimeters so it is often best to leave it a little prominent so that when it settles it is in the right position. In his case, we were fortunate and obtained an excellent result with a straight nose, correction of his dorsal hump, and clear nasal passages.
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialist
"I treat my patients like I would treat
- Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACSmembers of my own family."
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