COVID19 Update From Dr. Hall – April 13, 2020
I have gotten so many nice emails from patients who have been enjoying my notes to patients during the pandemic that I was encouraged to write another one for what is now week 5 of the pandemic. I hope that everyone had a pleasant Easter/Passover week if you celebrate these faiths, and a great week
An Update from Dr. Hall Regarding COVID19
An important message from Dr. Jonathan D. HallAnother update to our patients regarding Covid 19We are now settling into the fourth week of the Covid19 crisis in Massachusetts. The shelter at home order in Massachusetts has been extended to May 4th, and it is now recommended that we all wear masks out in public. By chance, like
How Ideal are the IDEAL Implants?
Techniques for manufacturing breast implants have evolved over the years, and today there are more choices available to women considering breast augmentation surgery. Dr. Jonathan D. Hall and his staff have used various types of breast implants to enlarge or reshape the breasts of many women to their satisfaction. If you have been considering breast
The 5 Most Common Questions About Breast Reconstruction
When considering breast reconstruction surgery, it’s common to have questions about the process. Along with all the other questions you might have about your diagnosis and treatment process, it can be overwhelming to think about. Although your reconstructive surgeon can guide you through the important steps, it can help to know what to expect. Here
The Benefits of Non-Surgical Procedures
Many people want to get an improved appearance without the need for getting surgery. But some may wonder, what the benefits of nonsurgical treatments are? Can they be as beneficial as surgical treatments? Well, there are several benefits of non-surgical procedures. Read more to learn about the many advantages of getting one of these treatments
How Long Do Breast Lift Results Last?
Breast lift surgery, or mastopexy, is a procedure women undergo to give their breasts an improved contour, shape, and position. Women may choose to undergo this procedure to combat the effects of aging, breastfeeding, or drastic weight changes. How Long Will Breast Lift Results Last? Before undergoing surgery, it’s important to know about possible long-term results.
Dr. Jonathan D. Hall and his wife, Teri Hall, at the AYA Red Carpet Holiday Gala
Dr. Jonathan D. Hall and his wife, Teri Hall attended the AYA Red Carpet Holiday Gala hosted by the Reid R Sacco Adolescent & Adult (AYA) Cancer Alliance at the Fairmont-Copley Hotel on Saturday November 23. The Halls were there with the board of the Boston North Cancer Association, who were one of the Gala
The Truth about Kybella
There are all sorts of aesthetic procedures available to patients in this day and age. They all bring different advantages to patients. If you’re stressed out by the appearance of your chin, then you may want to look into Kybella. Kybella, in short, is an injection that minimizes the amount of fat that droops right
What treatment options are available for gynecomastia?
Many men deal with breasts that are enlarged. This causes them to feel embarrassed and self-conscious about their appearance. What many people call male breasts, gynecomastia is a condition that causes enlargement of the breast tissue in men. It affects millions of men, fortunately, there is treatment available to those seeking a remedy for this
What Can I Expect From Male Breast Reduction?
Gynecomastia, or male breast reduction, is a surgery that many decide to have. According to some research, men now account for around 40% of all breast reductions. This surgery is the best way for men to reduce the volume of their breast tissue while re-contouring their chest. Most men regain a more masculine appearance after
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialist
"I treat my patients like I would treat
- Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACSmembers of my own family."
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