Combining Procedures: Tummy Tuck & Liposuction

By on July 8, 2019 under Uncategorized

When you at your consultation discussing your body contouring options, ask Dr. Hall about adding liposuction to your abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). With modern technology and proven techniques, a person can have both at the same time. However, it is important to note that undergoing a procedure to slim down, enhance your waistline or flatten the abs is not the same surgery. Liposuction and a tummy tuck are not interchangeable.

Liposuction is used to remove pockets of subcutaneous fat. In other words, you can get rid of those pesky love handles, fat rolls in the back and belly fat. On the other hand, a tummy tuck can lessen the extra skin to tighten, smooth, and tone your body. A tummy tuck procedure by itself does not remove excess fat around the flanks or remove your love handles.

Are You a Good Candidate?

It is important to identify candidates who are not eligible for both procedures at the same time. These include people who smoke too much, prior abdominal surgeries, certain diabetic patients, and individuals who are known to be bleeders.

3 Reasons Why You Can Get Both Together

If you are a good candidate, adding liposuction and tummy tuck to your surgical procedure will help you meet your new body goals. Here are 3 reasons why they can work well together:

  1. You will only need one surgery to achieve your liposuction and tummy tuck goal, instead of two separate procedures and two separate recovery times. Plastic surgeons like Boston’s Dr. Hall can remove the excess fat, tighten the loose skin, and repair muscle tissues from the designated body areas all in one procedure.
  2. When a surgeon combines an abdominoplasty and liposuction, they will not need to prepare their patient for a post-surgical drain recovery treatment. Also, combining these two popular procedures together under one procedure allows patients to recover more quickly. Also, when a patient recovers from both a tummy tuck and liposuction, the health benefits are better like a better posture, more confidence, and they can become more active.
  3. Liposuction and a tummy tuck together are more efficient and effective for both the surgeon and the patient. For example, when a patient comes to Dr. Hall to get rid of excess fat to help contour their body, what better process is there but to combine both procedures to get rid of loose skin and extra fat.

Choosing The Right Surgeon 

Combining both a tummy tuck and liposuction is best achieved when you have the right plastic surgeon. In this instance, you need a surgeon who cares for his patients. Dr. Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACS is a notable board-certified plastic surgeon who has been chosen as a top doctor in Boston for several consecutive years. You know you have chosen the right surgeon when his motto is to treat his patients with compassion and honesty. 

Dr. Hall is noted for creating a customized treatment plan for his patients. A tummy tuck and liposuction can contour your body to give you the toned figure that you deserve. A consultation with Dr. Hall will help to determine if a combined tummy tuck and liposuction are right for you.

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