Stretched or Torn Earlobes? There’s a Surgery for That

By on December 8, 2020 under Plastic Surgery

It only takes one good yank by a child or an earring caught in a jacket to cause a tear or sag in a pierced earlobe. Just like the practice of using gauges to stretch the earlobe won’t close on its own, these problems can only be repaired with the help of a trained professional. To repair damaged or stretched tissue, Dr. Jonathan Hall can help by performing a simple surgery.

How Does the Surgery Work?

If a previous piercing has been torn or stretched, the piercing will need to be opened slightly, the stretched out hole removed, and the sagging center of the hole completely closed. Once this surgery has been completed, you will not be able to get a new piercing placed for approximately three months, and it would be wise to have it done in a medical office to reduce the risk of placing the new hole into the scar.

How Should I Prepare?

You’ll have a consultation with the professionals at Dr. Hall’s office about any prescription drugs you’re taking as some can cause excess bleeding. Additionally, you’ll be encouraged to stop smoking if that’s something you currently do; smoking will inhibit your healing capacity.

On the day of your procedure, do shower and be ready to keep your head out of a shower stream for approximately three days. Afterwards, be sure to keep your ears out of the sun and use the antibiotic ointment that you’ll get following your procedure.

Warning Signs to Watch Out For

Getting your earlobes repaired may mean taking out a lot of tissue. After your procedure, you can expect itching, but if you notice any burning, extreme pain, bleeding, or oozing, you may be facing infection. While the bandaged ear covering can come off within 24 hours, the stitches will remain for longer. Within a week of your surgery, you can come back in to remove the stitches.

What About Scarring?

Once the stitches are removed, you will have a red mark that will take some time to fade. You want to be sure to apply sunscreen to your lobes if you’re going to be out in the sun, and to wear a hat to protect the tops of your ears. Your healing ears will likely itch, but it’s critical that you don’t scratch them and continue to apply the antibiotic product until you’ve used it all up. If left to heal out of the sun for three months, as long as no infection develops, scarring should be minimal and you should be able to plan your next piercing.

Schedule a Consultation

Contact us to schedule an appointment by calling 781-279-7930 or filling out an online form. Dr. Jonathan Hall and his team are excited to help you address your earlobe concerns. Whether you’re cleaning up holes that have been damaged by heavy earrings or repairing damage caused by an accident, we can help you to feel confident in your even earlobes that work with any form of earring.

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