A woman in her mid to late 30’s who was interested in breast augmentation. She describes herself as a 34 A to small B cup and would like to be fuller. She has not had pregnancy or significant weight loss but works out 2 hours a day at the gym and finds that her breasts have decreased in size. Sh is 5’^’ and 133 lbs. She is shown before and again, 6 weeks after bilateral partial sub-pectoral placement of micro=textured high profile cohesive silicone gel implants placed through an inframammary incision.
Discussion: Based on her tissue dimensions, the 375 -400 cc implants were the largest that she could use without appearing overly unnatural. She felt that the 400 was simply too large during her sizing appointment and selected the 375 cc. She has a mildly deflated appearance of the breasts after her extensive time at the gym, and a high profile implant was selected to add some volume back to the upper breast without appearing unnatural. Her breasts are relatively “loose” and smooth implants have a tendency to shift to the side and drop with time. Texture. especially the more aggressive textures can have the potential problems of BIA-ALCL, late seroma, and pseudo-capsule formation. So a micro-texture is not as aggressively textured and has the potential benefits of decreasing this shift, without as high a risk of the potential problems with texture.
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