A woman in her mid 70’s who is bothered by volume loss of her lips. She would like to have this corrected and have the lips fuller, but does not want “the trout pout”. It the lip roll is overly enhanced in a lip that has lost volume with age, it can look unnaturally prominent. But if one of the stiffer fillers is placed in the upper part of the lip it can look unnaturally prominent as well- the upper lip should have a natural concavity, not be prominent like a monkey’s lip.
The solution is to use one of the Non Animal Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid (NASHA) fillers that spreads out in the dermis such as Volbella or Restylane
Silk. In her case, 2 syringes of Restylane Silk were placed to the upper and lower lips. She is shown just before and again, 2 weeks later. This corrects the atrophy and volume loss of the white portion of the lip in a natural way and softly adds volume to the red portion of the lips as well. The lips no longer have the atrophy of aging and appear more youthful as well as slightly fuller.
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialist
"I treat my patients like I would treat
- Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACSmembers of my own family."
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