A 42 yo with two children following two full term pregancies shown before and 9 months after abdominoplasty and liposculpture of hips, flanks, back, inner and outer thighs, with fat grafting to upper/central buttocks area. The patient is 5’4″ and maintains her pre and postop weight of 131 lbs. 580 cc/ 610 cc fat removed from left/right hips, 100 cc/100cc fat removed from left/right outer thighs. 100cc/100cc fat removed from left/right inner thighs. 300cc/300cc fat grafted to left/right buttocks. Abdominoplasty scars placed in a “thong line” postion. Scars typically continue to fade for 2 years.
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialist
"I treat my patients like I would treat
- Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACSmembers of my own family."
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