An athletic mother of 2 in her later 30s who is bothered by the deflated appearance of her breasts after pregnancy and would like to be fuller. She describes herself as an “AA cup”
She is shown before and again, 6 weeks after bilateral partial sub-pectoral ( below the muscle) placement of Idea Structured Saline implants placed through an inframammary ( at the breast fold) incision. Breasts will continue to soften in appearance with Ideal implants for the next 3-4 months. She is thrilled by her fuller but still natural appearance.
Discussion: Pt is 5’4″ and 149 lbs
Her distance from the infra-mammary fold (IMF) to the nipple on stretch is 9 cm on her left and 9.5 cm on her right. Putting tension on the skin estimates how much length we have to accommodate the weight of an implant.
The width of her breasts is 13 cm each. So with the Ideal breast implant, we need to size down 3 mm to account for the curved base of the Ideal implant, so the largest that we can use without giving an implant look would be a base width of 12.7 cm.
Upon sizing in the office she liked a size of 375 and felt that 400 was simply too full a look in clothing.
So our plan that we proceeded with was to use the Ideal Structured Saline 370-415 filled to 375 which gives an equivalent base width of 11.8 plus 0.3 = 12.1
She had had a history of Methicillin-resistant Staph at the gym two years before so we tested her and got a negative test before surgery to decrease the risk of infection.
Because the implant base equivalent at 12.1 is less than her breast base of 13 cm it does not “look like an implant” The left breast implant looks just a little fuller in the upper breast because the IMF to fold on stretch is a little less on that side. This will settle out over the next few months as the breasts stretch to accommodate the implant.
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialist
"I treat my patients like I would treat
- Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACSmembers of my own family."
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