A woman in her early 30’s with a partial split of her left earlobe, and also a drooping appearance of her earlobes. She does have obstructive sleep apnea and wears a cpap machine at night and does sleep with her earrings in place. She has an attached to free border length of 15 mm on her left and 16 mm on her right. The most attractive distance in studies is 5 to at most 10 mm. She is shown before , with markings, and again, 4 months after bilateral earlobe repair. She wore bandaids at night to prevent excess pressure on her earlobes from her cpap machine. Scars typically beome thicker and redder for 6 weeks and then fade and improve over the next 2 years. She is thrilled with the more youthful contour of her earlobes after surgery.
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialist
"I treat my patients like I would treat
- Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACSmembers of my own family."
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