An active runner, executive and mother in her early 50’s who wears a 36 DDD minimizer bra and has difficulty with running because of the size of her breasts. He is also embarrassed to participate in group exercise classes because of her breast size. The large size of her areola make it difficult to perform a traditional “ inverted T scar” breast reduction. She has excellent elasticity of the skin however and is a good candidate for a Short Scar Peri-Areolar Inferior Pedicle (SPAIR) breast reduction. This is a “short scar” type of breast reduction. With this procedure, there is no medial horizontal scar, and a Gortex suture is used to gather the skin around the areola. She is shown just before and again, 19 months after surgery. She is 5’6” and 172 lbs, and had more than 500 gms of tissue removed from each breast. Her scars have faded and she has an excellent shape. Her is able to run without symptoms and is no longer embarrassed to attend group exercise classes.
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialist
"I treat my patients like I would treat
- Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACSmembers of my own family."
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