A man with recurrent gynecomastia. He first presented at age 38 when he was 5’7 1/4 and 169 lbs. and had gynecomastia treatment by myself with external ultrasound assisted, power assisted liposuction combined with the direct excision of breast tissue through a periareolar (around the lower areola) incision with the specimen of breast tissue weighing 63 gms on the left and 70 gms on the right. He did well after surgery, with a good result at 5 months.
He returned to see me two years later.
He continued to smoke Marijuana (which can lead to gynecomastia) and also gained 15 lbs. and developed recurrence of gynecomastia, with new development of some firm breast tissue in the lateral lower breasts. This was a little surprising and not common in my experience, especially with direct excision of the breast tissue under the areola at the initial surgery. We returned to the operating room and performed liposuction again, along with the direct excision of 49 gms of breast tissue from the right and 40 gms of breast tissue from the left. The new breast tissue was located more laterally and inferiorly in the breast this time.
He again did well. He is seen again, 5 years after this second procedure. He reports having one treatment of cool sculpting to his upper chest for a little more refinement. He has lost one pound since his second surgery, but has been spending more time at the gym. His case illustrates a few points. Recurrence of gynecomastia is uncommon, but can happen, and may be impacted by gaining weight and significant marijuana usage. I have other patients who have continued to use marijuana without recurrence of their gynecomastia, so a recurrence like this has been uncommon in my experience. Weight gain after surgery can certainly contribute as well.
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialist
"I treat my patients like I would treat
- Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACSmembers of my own family."
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