A woman in her early 20’s who is a 32A cup and wished to be a full b or small c if possible. She is very thin at 5’7” and 101 lbs and a BMI of 16.06. Her case is also complicated by a pectus excavatum, which is a depressed hollow of the sternal area. In very thin patients I like to have them supplement their nutrition with an additional 80 gms of protein a day for a months before and after surgery. She had a nipple piercing when she first came in and I have recommended that she not replace this after surgery to decrease the risk of capsular contracture. There is bacteria in the nipple ducts, and any trauma can allow this bacteria to get into the blood stream and potentially travel to the implant, with the resultant biofilm potentially leading to a capsular contracture. The base width of her breast is 9.8 cm. The nipple to fold is 5 cm and increases on stretch to 6.5 cm. She is shown before and again, 4 months after bilateral subpectoral placement of Ideal Structured saline implants 210-235 cc filled to 235 cc. The empty implant volume is 30 cc. The back/inner lumen is filled to 120 cc and the front/outer lumen is filled to 85 cc to give the total of 235 cc. The breast fold was reinforced by anchoring it temporarily to the rib periosteum with long lasting but dissolving sutures to prevent “bottoming out” of the breast.
The dimensions of this implant are 9.7 cm but we add 0.3 cm because it is measured on a curved surface to give a base equivalent of 10 cm. The projection is 4.4 cm. The equivalent diameter is 0.2 cm larger than her native breast and can therefore give a slight implant look which she was ok with. She wanted the Ideal implant which is filled with saline and this is the smallest size that the company makes, but just fit. If she had wanted to be any fuller I would have recommended that she switch instead to a silicone gel implant which can allow a slightly fuller implant to be used.
She is thrilled with her fuller, but still natural appearance. Tattoos have been blurred for her privacy.
Update: She is now seen 9 months after surgery. The breasts have settled in appearance and appear even more natural.
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