An early follow-up of a woman in her late 40’s with bilateral breast hypertrophy. She wore a 34 F bra and was bothered by the typical problems with back and shoulder pain, grooving and irritation of her shoulders from the bra straps and difficulty exercising due to the size of her breasts. She is shown before and again, 4 ½ months after bilateral breast reduction with the removal of more than 500 gms from her right and more than 600 gms from her left to reduce her to a C cup to better match her frame. Scars will typically fade and improve over the next 2 years. She is already thrilled with her new shape and size, and her symptoms have all resolved.
Update: Our patient is seen again, 7 months after surgery. Her scars, which typically get better for 2 years have continued to fade and improve with the topical silicone.
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialist
"I treat my patients like I would treat
- Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACSmembers of my own family."
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