In addition to our normal processes in the office these are some of the changes we have made: We are screening all patients during reminder calls and reschedule anyone who is symptomatic or has a history of recent exposure. All staff are screened and temperature checked every day. If anyone has symptoms they are sent home. We ask that all patients wear a mask and we are wearing masks as well. We have spaced out patients in the office to maintain social distancing. We have asked new patients to download their forms from our website (link here) and fill them out and email them back before their visit to decrease potential time in the office. We ask that you not bring guests or friends to your appointment. When you arrive, you will be given a Covid screening questionnaire to complete and Ashley will check your temperature and pulse oximetery. In addition to our usual cleaning we are wiping down all surfaces that may have been touched in the reception area including the limited seating, doorknobs and credit card machine.
Once the Covid screening has been completed you will. be brought directly to the exam room. All surfaces that you might touch are cleaned and disinfected between each patient. We have hand sanitizer available for your use in patient rooms and at the front desk.
At check out we have Apple Pay, which is touch less for copays or Botox/filler treatments, and the credit card machine is wiped down between each patient.
We are able to do many follow-up visits virtually now, which will save a visit back to the office after a treatment or minor surgery.

Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialist
"I treat my patients like I would treat
- Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACSmembers of my own family."
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