Am I A Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, medically known as augmentation mammaplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that can increase the fullness of breasts and make breasts more symmetrical in shape and size. The procedure, which involves the surgical placement of saline or silicone breast implants, is commonly used to:

• Enlarge smaller breasts

• Reduce asymmetry in moderately disproportionate breasts

• Restore breast volume, particularly following pregnancy, breast-feeding, or weight loss

• Reconstruct breasts after a cancer-related breast surgery (mastectomy) or other injury

Before the procedure, patients are given general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. To reduce visible scarring, incisions are made as inconspicuously as possible in one of three places: below the fold of the breast, below the areola or in the armpit. After the incisions are made, the breast implants are placed (consisting of saline or silicone gel), either under the pectoral muscle or directly behind the breast tissue. The sutures are then closed. After surgery, patients are given specific postoperative instructions to follow to facilitate healing.

Dr. Jonathan Hall, M.D. and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, is a Massachusetts board certified plastic surgeon practicing within the Boston metropolitan area. Before performing breast augmentation surgery, he will discuss your aesthetic goals and determine whether you are eligible to undergo the procedure.

In general, you are a good candidate for breast augmentation if you are a healthy woman who:

• Is over the age of 18 (for saline implants) or over the age of 22 (for silicone gel implants)

• Has experienced a change in the shape of your breasts due to weight loss or pregnancy

• Would like to change the shape and size of your breasts and is realistic about your expectations

You are NOT a good candidate if you:

• Are under the age of 18

• Are currently pregnant or breast-feeding

• Have an active infection in the body

• Have existing cancer or have been treated previously with radiation therapy

Breast augmentation cannot lift severely sagging breasts. However, if you wish to address drooping breasts, you may consider a breast lift procedure, which can be done in conjunction with a breast augmentation surgery.

Women consider breast augmentation for a variety of reasons and it is important to be clear about your motivations and expectations. As with any surgery, there are risks and potential complications associated with the procedure, including unfavorable scarring, bleeding, infection, and changes in the nipple or breast sensation. Because it is a highly personal decision, it is important that women who are contemplating the surgery carefully weigh the potential benefits against the risks. During your initial consultation, you should be prepared to candidly discuss your health and medical history with your surgeon, including your current health status, any prior breast surgeries, any medications you are taking, and lifestyle habits, such as smoking, that might impair your ability to heal.

If you are considering a breast augmentation and would like to know if you are a good candidate, contact us in Stoneham, MA for a consultation.