How does Liposuction Work?

By on August 21, 2018 under Plastic Surgery

Removing stubborn fat can be challenging, even with regular exercise and a healthy diet. That’s why liposuction is so popular! With liposuction, you can remove pockets of stubborn fat from virtually any part of your body, and once the treated fat cells are gone they can’t return. If you’re considering liposuction for your body contouring procedure, you’re probably wondering how it works!

Treatment areas

Stubborn fat can appear anywhere on your body, with larger amounts in the abdomen, flanks, buttocks, and thighs. These are some of the most popular areas to receive liposuction, however, smaller areas such as under the chin, in the bra area, and above the knee can also be treated. These areas can be especially difficult to get rid of with exercise alone. Both men and women can receive liposuction for precise sculpting and body re-contouring.

Minimally invasive procedure

Liposuction is technically a surgical procedure, but your incisions are so tiny that are only very small scars where the cannulas are inserted. It can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia depending on the techniques being used and your preference. Through the tiny incisions made in the treatment areas, a tube-like device called a cannula will be inserted and moved back and forth to loosen your fat cells, then removing them with a gentle suction. With some liposuction techniques, ultrasonic or laser energy can even be used to liquefy your fat cells, requiring less trauma on the body. Dr. Hall prefers power assisted liposuction using the S.A.F.E. technique- Suction Aspiration Fat Equalization. In this technique the fat is mechanically smoothed with a finned cannula before and after the actual suction is applied, decreasing the risks of dents and irregularities that are more common in techniques that use energy to damage the fat cell such as laser or internal ultrasound. The mechanical technique does not decrease the viability of the fat cell.

Maintaining your results

After your liposuction procedure to remove your fat cells and one to two weeks of recovery, you can enjoy your new contour! However, liposuction is one procedure that requires a little maintenance on your end if you’d like to ensure lasting results. Although your treated fat cells cannot return, you can still gain weight in untreated areas which could affect your body balance and liposuction results. But with regular exercise and a healthy diet, you can avoid weight gain and enjoy long-lasting results!

To learn more about the liposuction procedure process, schedule your consultation with Dr. Hall. Dr. Hall can ensure that liposuction is right for you and explain which techniques you can benefit from.

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