A professional in her mid 30’s who is bothered by a crooked nose, dorsal hump, difficulty breathing. On examination she was noted to have significant deviation of the septum as well as vestibular stenosis. Vestibular stenosis is the collapse of the nose when someone breathes in that takes place at the “nasal valve” area and is often temporarily improved with “Breath rite” strips. She was also noted on exam to have a “weak chin”. The chin falls behind an imaginary line that touches the upper and lower lips. She is shown before and again,4 months after an open rhinoplasty with correction of the vestibular stenosis by placing “spreader grafts”, a match stick shaped piece of the septal cartilage. She also had a medium chin implant placed. She is thrilled with her early improvement, and no longer has obstruction of her breathing. Her husband notes that she no longer snores at night. The nasal tip will continue to gain refinement over the next 2 1/2 years. The slight pinkness of her nose is a sunburn from the weekend.
Our patient is now shown 16 months after surgery. The nose appears even more refined as the swelling in the nasal tip diminishes. We can typically expect the nose to improve for the first 3 years after surgery. She is thrilled with the natural appearance of her surgery. Friends and relatives know that she looks better but are not sure why. We have moved her closer to the aesthetic ideal, and people can tell that she looks better, but assume that she has gotten a new hair style.
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Specialist
"I treat my patients like I would treat
- Jonathan D. Hall, MD, FACSmembers of my own family."
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